Problem Child

Problem Child


The Problem Child is a hybrid fuzz I developed as the signature pedal for guitarist Sebastian Falvo. Being hybrid means it has a combination of 2 silicon transistors, and one germanium. The germanium transistor can be activated by way of a second footswitch and in doing so, the character of the fuzz can be altered. As well as sonic differences, it is sometimes useful to be able to disengage the germanium transistor as germanium is susceptible to temperature sensitivity.

There are 2 separate fuzz controls that change when the germanium foostwitch is engaged. This means the player can have 2 pre-set gain levels that toggle along with transistor selection.

The silicon transistors are BC108 and the germanium will be a NOS vintage item. The specific type is subject to what is available at the time, but as with all my other germanium fuzz pedals, I carefully test and select suitable devices.

Other features include a bias control and a boost switch. The bias will provide gated Zonk-like tones when set to a colder bias, or clearer Fuzz Face type operation when set hotter, whereby the pedal will clean up on the guitar volume.

The pedal can run off a 9v PP3 battery, or an A/C power supply with a centre negative connection. Like modern pedals, it has a negative ground, so unlike many vintage fuzz, it can be used on the same power supply as other modern pedals.

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