Fantasy Car Boot Finds

Fantasy Car Boot Finds


I’m sure every guitarist has done this at one time or another - trawled the car boot, garage, and yard sales, hoping to spy a forgotten gem of musical gear, ideally one where the owner has no idea what they possess:-

“Oh that old thing? Yeah my uncle used to play in bands in the 60’s. It’s just been sitting in a box in the attic.”

Every pedal you find here will be a one-off, sometimes a recreation of a vintage pedal, sometimes a flight of fancy - an imaginary short-lived curiosity if you will, or a vaguely familiar pedal from another dimension.

The 3 knob Zonk machine is the only version I make that is any different to the others, circuit wise. All other versions are the same circuit in different enclosures, but this one features a tone knob instead of a tone switch. This allows the user to smoothly sweep from the most trebly setting (closest to the original Zonk) and add more bass as the knob turns clockwise.

The hybrid version features a mixture of silicon and germanium transistors, and provides a little extra gain as well as improved temperature stability.

The “Night Owl” is a recreation of the Colorsound Power Boost built using a single chip instead of discreet transistors. It also features a voltage doubling power supply so that, like the original, it runs at 18v using a 9v power supply. As well as earning a well-deserved place in the historical lineage of guitar pedal evolution, having been used by many of the greats such as David Gilmour and Jeff Beck, the high headroom and flexible treble and bass controls of the Power Boost mean this pedal is still amongst the best designs when it comes to helping the guitar cut through the mix in a band situation.

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